How can it help ?
Medical or Manual lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a very gentle skin stretching and massage technique designed to move the skin and stimulate the lymphatic vessels which carry substances vital to the bodies defences and removes waste products. The aim of MLD is to move fluid to an area where it can flow more freely. Helping break up any fibrosis, increasing range of motion and lessening limb size.
If you have NEVER had Mld before you may require an intensive course prior to you controlling your condition at home with my help. This can include daily treatments for up to 2 weeks with bandaging or wrapping on. The aim of this intensive treatment is to try and decrease the size of your limb as much as possible.
To be able to control your condition at home you will need to wear compression garments and do SLD ( self lymphatic drainage ) daily.
Measuring and garment fitting also provided, an essential part of Lymphodema and Lipoedema managment.
Self management
Kate will show you how to do self lymphatic drainage, apply Kinesiotape and give you
the confidence to manage your condition.
It is imperative that you the patient play your part at home to gain the best possible outcome. Many patients come for top up sessions, how fequently will depend on your own personal situation.